Hello everybody, I am finally back with a new episode! In this episode: Hardware issues, major update to RStudio, new forums, and discussion on managing your workflow for projects. I discuss useful functions for executing R scripts and saving/loading R objects for future sessions, and summarize different solutions for organizing R code based on task and via the ProjectTemplate package, along with the importance of version control. Please check out the new forums and let me know what you think! If you are interested in providing a listener tip about R, please call the voicemail hotline at Read More
In this episode: Listener feedback and importing data from external sources into R. We dive into the basics of importing delimited textfiles using read.table and its varients. We also discuss recommendations for importing MS Excel spreadsheet files, relational databases such as MySQL, data from HTML tables, and files produced by other statistical computing packages. If you are interested in providing a listener tip about R in audio format, please call the voicemail hotline at +1-269-849-9780 or record a short mp3 or ogg audio clip and send it to theRcast(at)gmail.com . Hope you enjoy the episode!
After a brief delay here’s episode 5 of the R-Podcast. In this episode: R 2.15.0 released, listener feedback, and discussion on basic package management. I discuss helpful resources for finding packages,installation procedures, and how to determine what packages are installed in your R system, among other considerations. If you are interested in providing a listener tip about R in audio format, please call the voicemail hotline at +1-269-849-9780 or record a short mp3 or ogg audio clip and send it to theRcast(at)gmail.com . Hope you enjoy the episode!
In this episode: Site updates, additional screencasts about R from other sites, listener feedback, and discussion on the fundamental data structures for R: vectors, matrices, lists, and data frames. The R code discussed in this episode is available in our GitHub repository, see the show notes for details. Leave us a voicemail a +1-269-849-9780, or send an email or audio comment to theRcast[at]gmail.com. Thanks for listening!
In this episode: New versions of R and ggplot2 available, listener feedback, and an interactive session with R. The R code discussed in this episode will be available in our GitHub repository, see the show notes for details. There will be a companion screencast to accompany this episode which will be posted shortly. As always, please provide your feedback via email or audio comment to theRcast[at]gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 1-269-849-9780.
In this episode: A couple of site updates, our first listener feedback, an overview of installing R on each major platform, and an overview of R IDEs and helpful resources for getting started with R. If you would like to provide feedback, please send an email or audio comment to theRcast[at]gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 1-269-849-9780.
Here is the inaugural episode of the R-Podcast! In this episode, I take a few minutes to introduce myself and to explain the main goals of this podcast. I also define what R is and give an overview of R’s history of development and features that distinguish it from other statistical software. Please feel free to send your feedback to theRcast[at]gmail.com or leave a voice mail at 1-269-849-9780.