(Carson Sievert):
package’s infinite moon reader:[at]
00:00:00.000 Intro
00:01:48.000 Shiny community e-poster
00:20:12.000 Garrick Aiden-Buie
00:38:10.000 Styling Shiny apps
00:40:56.000 Shinymeta
00:44:20.000 logger
00:49:49.000 listener feedback
00:57:25.000 Wrapup
Hello, my name is Garrick Aden-Buie. I’m an RStudio Education Certified Trainer and a data scientist at the Moffitt Cancer Center where I work in the Collaborative Data Services Core using R, Shiny, and the tools of data science to accelerate research towards the prevention and cure of cancer. Previously, I was a Ph.D. candidate at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL in the Department of Industrial and Management Sciences Engineering where I helped develop a smart home sensor technology system to enable healthy aging in-place.
I’m a passionate R user and educator. I build web apps using Shiny, tools and packages for R, and dynamic, interactive, reproducible reports using R Markdown. Browse my list of projects for examples of my work, a selection of educational presentations, or review my full curriculum vitae (resume).
Eric Nantz is a principal research scientist at a large life sciences company, creating innovative analytical pipelines and capabilities supporting study designs and analyses. Outside of his day job, Eric is passionate about connecting with the R community as the creator/host of the R-Podcast, Shiny Developer Series, and a curator / podcast host for the R Weekly project. Plus, he likes to share his adventures with R and general computing on Twitch livestreams at