2018 continues! In this episode I reconnect with the first-ever guest of the R-Podcast, RStudio software engineer Yihui Xie. In our conversation you’ll hear about Yihui’s journey since joining RStudio, his vision of how blogdown
and bookdown
could lead to a streamlined publishing worflow, and much more. I hope you enjoy this episode!
: Creating websites with R Markdown (available online and print):[at]
Yihui Xie is a software engineer at RStudio. Yihui got his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University. He is interested in interactive statistical graphics, statistical computing, and web applications. He is an active R user and the author of several R packages, such as animation, formatR, Rd2roxygen, knitr, bookdown, and blogdown, among which the animation package won the 2009 John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award (ASA). He is also the author of the books “Dynamic Documents with R and knitr”, “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown”, and “blogdown: Creating websites with R Markdown”. In 2006 he founded the “Capital of Statistics”, which has grown into a large online community on statistics in China. He initiated the first Chinese R conference in 2008 and has been organizing R conferences in China since then. During his PhD training at the Iowa State University, he won the Vince Sposito Statistical Computing Award (2011) and the Snedecor Award (2012) in the Department of Statistics.
Eric Nantz is a principal research scientist at a large life sciences company, creating innovative analytical pipelines and capabilities supporting study designs and analyses. Outside of his day job, Eric is passionate about connecting with the R community as the creator/host of the R-Podcast, Shiny Developer Series, and a curator / podcast host for the R Weekly project. Plus, he likes to share his adventures with R and general computing on Twitch livestreams at